About Us...
All Star Equestrian Foundation, Inc. opened its doors on January 1, 1999 on the Mansfield/Burleson border of FM 2738. The center was created to provide therapeutic horseback riding for the physically, mentally and emotionally challenged of all ages. In our wildest dreams, we never imagined the warm community response we received, nor did we expect to grow as fast as we have. We currently have between 90-125 riders per week riding from many of the surrounding areas. All Star is a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization, and as such, we charge our riders only about one-third of the actual cost of each class. During the year with the help of our volunteers, we offset the cost by having fundraisers and accepting tax-deductible, private and corporate donations.
We are a premier accredited center with the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, Intl., and we have 5 PATH certified instructors on staff. All Star is proud to have been a part of founding the first Chisholm Challenge Horse Show associated with the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo in 2004. This show currently includes nine local therapeutic riding centers, including 125 therapeutic riders and 90 special horses. The show requires up to 500 volunteers, and we attract a large cheering section of families and friends.
Our riders have many types of disabilities – Cerebral Palsy, Multiple sclerosis, Autism, Spina Bifida, Traumatic Brain Injury, Metabolic disorder, Intellectual Disability, and many more. Therapeutic riding addresses these disabilities by helping improve balance, increase upper torso strength, even out walking gait using the three-dimensional movement of the horse to develop new muscle tone, improve fine and gross motor skills, increase self-confidence and allow some riders to move around freely for the first time in their lives. Each rider’s disability is addressed differently according to their restrictions, age, and ability. We begin taking riders at age two, and we have riders up to age sixty-five at this time.
We offer scholarships to any rider that is eligible as long as there are funds in the scholarship fund. There are several riders currently on scholarship, and the amount of scholarship given is based on annual income of the family. If you would like to sponsor a rider, please contact our office. One full time scholarship for one session costs approximately $420 for a 12 week session. If you would like to sponsor a rider for a full year, it would cost approximately $1400. All Star has year round classes with winter, spring, summer and fall sessions. It is also possible to spread scholarship funds out over several riders. We would be happy to send you a picture of the rider/riders that you sponsor, and you are welcome to come and observe classes.